Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Light Body

Most levels of creation with in the context of our lovely earth have an interdependency with light.
Some of us are well aware every day of this beautiful gift and others are more so unconscious of their true nature, that runs through them and around them. In some ways it is similar to breathing, some of us are more aware that we are doing this and others are doesn't change anything, we all breath, whether we want to be intentful of it or not. Such is the light that runs through our being, just like the sun and the stars, it is always there and shining. What is most powerful is when we remove the clouds and the muck, so we can see and feel the sun and the stars shining.

Such is working with the light in our bodies, trees are great at photosynthesis, but they are not alone with their connection with light, human beings sometimes forget, part of the wonderful journey of being here, is still about bringing the light in from source and growing more towards source rather than forgetting. We refer to this awareness of our origins within us (light which is our source) re-membering.

Working with and growing into our Lightbodies is just this process, it is bringing in this awareness and intentfully working towards recieving and sharing the light with ourselves and then with others. As we grow with light we expand into our true nature of divinity, which allows for a lightness of being, a bouyancy and we start floating with life, in a bubble of love created from a heart centred and mindful approach to life. Then we can go out and share this vibration and help others bring themselves into this way of being.

This simple decision to move into your lightbody whilst here on earth, if there is enough of us dedicated to doing this and assisting others, will allow the earth to start living and breathing more harmoniously with unconditional love and peace. if more humans made this individual decision today, a simple free will decision to do so, a lot of the challenges that the earth and humanity face would fall by the wayside very quickly.

As such this blog and website will be devoted to supporting that consciousness and any individuals that are working to guide others and share the light.

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